Thank you Breeder Judge Wendy Hill for this
exciting win.
Best In Specialty at the Shih Tzu Club Of Northern New Jersey
in New York on February 13, 2011.

Mia shown winning 'Back to
Back' Group 1sts and Reserve Best In Show
at the Halifax KC showsSeptember 4 & 5, 2010. Thank
you judges
Wendy Maisey from Canada and Ekaterina Senashenko from Russia.

"MIA" CAC CACIB Best of Breed
World Dog Show, Herning, Denmark June 26,
THANK YOU judge Luis Pinto Teixeira from

Mia shown winning another US major the week
of the US National on May 8, 2010. Thank you breeder judge
Phyllis Schwab.

"Mia" winning her first All Breed
BEST IN SHOW March 7, 2009 at the Newfoundland All Breed
Kennel Club.
Thank you judge Denise Cornelsson!!!!!!!!!!

Mia shown winning her first major at the
Progressive Toy Dog Specialty in New York City on February
6, 2009.
Thank you judge Don Sutton.

Shown winning Best In Specialty
from the classes at 12 months of age
at the Canadian Shih Tzu
Club National Specialty Show
in Abbotsford, B.C. November
1, 2008.
Thank you judge Eugene Blake.

Group 3rd from classes Judge
Luis Teixeira

Group 1st First time shown
as a Special. Judge Jack Ireland
"Mia" had a great
time at the All Breed shows the weekend of the National.
The show is the Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers, Canada's Largest
Dog Show and at the first 2 All Breed Shows she won the
breed from the classes including a Group 3 under judge Luis
Teixeira from Portugal. On the last day she was moved up
to Specials and won a Group 1st under judge Jack Ireland.

"Mia" is show winning
RESERVE BEST PUPPY IN SHOW at 10 months of age.
Thank You judge Doug Windsor.